
Edit: Administrator日期:2024-10-18 09:01:33浏览次数:176

[Editor's note] :

“雁过又重阳,人间节庆忙。The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival in China, and the people have climbing and inserting on that day茱萸、饮酒及赏菊赋诗的习俗,九在数字中是最大数,有着长久长寿的寓意,Autumn is also the prime harvest time of the year,Therefore, people have always had special feelings towards the Double Ninth Festival,诗友们常常通过手中的笔,Express and repose faint feelings,带给人们美好而无尽的遐想……

Zhou Yunlai


Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival







Zeng Xiangyong


Singing on the Double Ninth Day


Cinnamon fragrance chrysanthemum Rui yellow, to welcome the National Day and double ninth day。

Sangyu evening scenery heart often happy, residual heat new sound effect Ji Xiang。


Ma Chengbin


南乡子·Double ninth Festival feeling


Early step Qionglou, happy to see the east fence Jurui thick, also appreciate the south garden of laurel dance。悠悠,又过重阳乐爽秋。

Green ant cup stay。Drunk with the breeze laugh remunerations, idle around the Nomura landscape show。情柔,恩爱人间意未休。


Xiang Caimei


Double Yang thought parents


Year after year, the double ninth, suddenly feel this autumn love longer。



Liu Jingping


The Double Ninth Day misses your relatives


Now I also Chongyang, still recall parents looking at catalpa township。

The words are still ringing in my ears, and the tears are still in Patch's eyes。

Load hoe ridge mu three more, cloth seed garden four sequence busy。

A bunch of cornus distant sent north, piece of heart difficult to report parents!




Double ninth Day casual feeling







Qi Yuesheng


The double ninth day expresses one's feelings


A few clusters of flowers open under the moon, fragrance wind deliberately over the wall。

Last year, serious illness, sad step, today's heart smile on stage。

Look at life without accumulation。Listen to destiny and laugh。

I will hold the dusk pen tightly and write the blue with the cut。


Kang Cunbo


Zhetridge day · Double Ninth Day


Blow down residual red has seen cool, sizzling drizzle is knocking on the window。Idle quiet product book three volumes, Dayan south fly word line。

Harvest grain, degree Chongyang, Zhi Zhi Xian GUI through fragrance。Yingying Cornus chrysanthemums thousand autumn charm, remote Yunshan long。


Yao Shaoju


The first day is the second day


Gentle breeze blowing Chongyang, comfortable Qiushan cinnamon fragrance。

How to say that life without that old, not teach after the dream kun hurt。


Shang Zhongxian




It is the ninth day of the year, when the young will bring her wife far from home。

I miss an empty nest when I'm away from home。

Tang Yunying




Fortunately no wind and rain Chongyang, willow shore autumn sound leaves half yellow。

Go to the stream head a distant look, why not see GUI Piaoxiang。


Lou Dehua


The double ninth Sun sets the mirror


Forehead full of chrysanthemum yellow, although there is a poetic heart clothes old makeup。

I looked in the mirror, and the sunset glow was still bright。


Zou Yilin


[Zhong Lu · Drunk singing with happy spring] Double Ninth Day feeling


西风乍起生凉,却道秋高气爽。重阳又会黄花旺,雁过声声去往。[with] Frost before the moon alone, latent time space since busy, who explain the year Fang。茶畅享,一盏醉清香。




Jia Chen Double Yang Essay


The dragon and the phoenix are lazy, and they break the halberd and burn the harp。

In the future, I will climb high and clear my eyes are wide。


Flowers and people are relatively old, after this cup should not be greedy。


Chung Hyeong-min


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】Double ninth Festival feeling


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Labor travel floating life walk busy, the world state huojie Yan and cool。With friends of the vicissitudes of life, the mountains are not old, the green water is forever long。[Is] wind and rain bumpy forget, early (that) sour, sweet, bitter and spicy taste。GUI wine love Wu Gang, Xin invite bright moon, frequent light my cold window。[earn shag] and Chongyang, open mind, product Li Du poetry Weiyang。夕照欣留身影长,醮烟霞酌韵流香。剪华章,咬断枯肠。Age is still strong。The clouds sail far away, the new songs sing, and the sun shines。


Zhou Xiaosi


Nine days climb the sun mountain


When I set my eyes high, I miss you so much。

A flock of wild geese裁人字,万点金英剪素秋。

Picking up the level of Xing Huai clouds diffuse, poem to lift the eyes of a strange land。

Hooking the soul is Wang Wei sentence, before swinging brother worry。


Hu Xiaoru




秋光迟暮莺声老,惟菊堪娇好。What words frost cold hedge open, the most is the double ninth with wine to see flowers。

休愁白首无年少,诗赋陪君笑。Night listen to the rain song in singing, water wide long unchanged is the original heart。


Zou Minghui


Today is the Double Ninth Festival


The peak of the autumn light, wild see dogwood especially red。

Dew sprinkled mountains maple leaf drunk, climb the prospect of a thousand heavy。


Li Tiichun




Taiyang mountain words vicissitudes of life, ninety-nine climbing chrysanthemum yellow。

Overlook Langzhou Sheng today, turning white crane to find Liulang。


Yan Weike




Rice fruits fragrant autumn chrysanthemum yellow, climbing overlooking the distance and Chongyang。

Castle peak people will be old, and then raise the golden cup dream long。


CAI Jiachun


The double Ninth Festival


Double nine climbing people respect the old, cheer for the motherland, golden autumn beautiful mountains and rivers;

Chongyang Wangyuan guest honor Xian, guest to the farmhouse praise, purple qi rayon day sweet。


Li Aiqun


Double ninth Festival feeling


Jump on the high-rise rice wheat yellow, osmanthus angry bursts paper kite flying。

Dogwood door insert sacrifice ancestors, chrysanthemum wine was a jainfu shou kang。


Pan Youxiang




The beauty of autumn in the Chongyang, the maple has Yan Xi GUI Fang。

On this day for ten years, every year in a foreign country。


Kuang Bingfang


The Double Ninth Festival has a feeling


The autumn is cool and the Double Ninth Day, we celebrate together,

Glad to be born in China, away from the war and enjoy good health。


Zhang Zuochen


Chongyang Yin


Cold frost dyed temples and Chongyang, enjoy chrysanthemum you kua wild chrysanthemum fragrance。

Years merciless heart is not old, lofty lofty far home。

Li Changle


Travel east to reminisce


Travel Kwai Quang to Dong Hing, across the water Vietnam lip teeth neighbors。

Today recall the old, iron soldiers against the United States war Gofrequency。

The Chinese aid to the more righteous without regard to the past sixty spring。

Old age warm story, every man's courage to sacrifice my body。


Qiu Weibo


Today is the Double Ninth Festival



Old man chat hair fun hot, invited to walk eight。


Zhu Mande


Chongyang Yin


Another year, the autumn wind and leaves never rest。

Qun Fang love warm words cold to go, if there is frost chrysanthemum with stay。






Cinnamon fragrance chrysanthemum and yellow, invited sister worship Hemerocallis hall。

But period of loving mother health, mother at home round happiness long。


Sun Peijun


The double Ninth Festival is in season


Just meet the National Day and Chongyang, no rain 30 days is abnormal。

According to the neighborhood, the field is split, and the modern ploughing is not busy。


Ding Xiaohui


Praise Chongyang





Meng Tiansheng


The Double Ninth Festival


Autumn National Day and Chongyang, red leaves fluttering valley full。

Huaxia climbing heaven and earth far, Jiangshan five mountains ten thousand years old。


Yong So Young


The Double Ninth Festival


To visit the east fence without flowers, the west wind but the old guest career。

Ascend nine Xin at a glance, to the evening sky still have clouds。


Zou Jianjun


Chongyang Festival







Jia Chen Double Ninth Festival feeling







He Yunbiao


The Double Ninth Day misses your relatives


Double ninth Festival times miss relatives, distant read home mountains full of tears。

Frost leaves such as Dan add sorrow, yellow flowers like drunk away。

Nie Yulong


Double ninth Day casual feeling


Drinking and climbing chrysanthemums, dogwood everywhere to drive away evil。

Ancient jade broken hard to finish the recovery, alone against the south window of sunset。


Zhou Chunyan


Dragon Year Double Ninth Festival feeling


The wind sweeps the dogwood in autumn, and the evening glow is red with laughter。

The heart of mountain flowing water is still the same, the path flying flower dream is not finished。

Years of vicissitudes spring forever, poetry and books for the elderly infinite life。

Today, a total of Chongyang Day, nine domains with song party industry long。


Li Lachun




Maple leaves fly in Yuelu red, like fireworks mountain。



Zhou Chunxiu




Xuantian pole eye Liuhu wave, dancing heron Jinfeng Liri and。

Festival of autumnal equinox yellow chrysanthemum less, water and light painting boat more。

Enjoy the scenery of tea when wine, respect the old drum song。

Keep in mind filial piety and benevolence, Chongyang Ziqi around the mountains and rivers。


Note: Xuantian, the main peak of Sun Mountain, known as Xuantian peak in history。

Zhao Yunzhi


Today is the Double Ninth Festival


Maple leaf dyed frost Dike Yao, time like a dream laugh。

Distant mountains near water color Xia ying, or hope life to return to children。


Advancing to a friend


The Double Ninth Festival


Heavy nine high look far, bustling city flag Yang。

Just view repair bamboo even Tianbi, and admire cold Ying full rehmannia。

Trail stay to find the old, long street dotted with new clothes。

Who is the city and countryside dye, send cool golden autumn Wan Dao light。


Li Weiguo









Zheng Aihua




秋风秋雨菊花黄,今日又重阳。That year left, autumn cicadas sad, heart feel desolate。

黄昏遥望青山外,路远水悠长。Two acacia, when goodbye, leaves to see flying。


Han Guangjie


Chongyang Festival


Should Chongyang swing the boat, dreggy gradually far away a few look back。

Gently comb white hair sunset evening, but also libation golden bottle on the water。


Liu Laying


Feel the Double Ninth Festival


The more rare the command room was, the more comfortable it was,



Zhan Songbai


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Overlooking De Shan you, willow water Changtian reflected city buildings。


Heroic poetry to find, ambitious step in the mirror repair。

Even in his old age, frost hair dye, still pursue the dream of the wind!


Luo Yanli


Yuelu mountain climb nine days


In the clear sky, the clouds are shadowing geese in the south, and the dogwood trees are everywhere yellow。

About friends to go to Gaoxianling, travel mountain chrysanthemum Chu song Yang。

Idle Yin Tao Ling know this ancient, occasionally poetry words short and long。

Double ninth and you figure a drunk, the truth does not sing slanting sun。


Li Lihui


Picking mulberry seeds · Double Ninth Festival有感


时光未语何时逝?才过重阳,Today is the Double Ninth Festival。不觉青丝银发藏。

菊寒雁唳添萧瑟,秋意苍凉?Not necessarily desolate。似火丹枫正傲霜。


Song Haoxi


Qinyuan Spring · Double Ninth Festival思友


The golden wind cleans the summer and the double sun。Chrysanthemum yellow, cinnamon fragrance。雁阵横空,阔野正秋凉。Old age and old age。Hard to meet, total thinking。

曾经庠序育人忙。共芸窗,历沧桑。继晷焚膏,敬业守鳣堂。超半同仁西驾鹤。Junjian?Wish good health。


Shen Qunhong


The Double Ninth Festival will happen










Smile at Ya Chang。Drink poetry and swim the waves。锦瑟秋光,风透罗衫拂荡。I am self-indulgent。






The autumn wind sends cool chrysanthemum yellow, the festival Chongyang happy。


Gong Tianbao


Essays on the Double Ninth Festival


A look at the sky high geese flying, several storms and Chongyang。

The old do not make a sad autumn guest, but write the truth chanting late incense。


Zhu Shibin


The Double Yang mother



Car drive trail heart like honey, niang leaning in the facade like clouds。

Bring fresh vegetables light stir-fry, hug old mother slow clamp。

Chrysanthemums and laurel dancing in front of the window, night speech body alone burst into tears。



Double ninth outing


After the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chongyang, Yugui Luanhua competing Yan Xiang。

All the way crazy heart smile, maple forest beauty wins spring。


Xiong Yuehua


Chongyang Township rhyme







鸟洲,十美堂鸟儿洲Shashui, Shachao river;The bridge, the name of Shachao River bridge in Litang town大桥”。


Zhu Pengen




Ninety-nine climb high mind crazy, invite friends to wine words。

Kua maple leaf red add mountain color, praise chrysanthemum yellow with fragrant ground。

Only through the wind and rain of life, don't talk about things hot and cool。

Frost head wrinkled face age is old, continued pen love to sing sunset。


Fan Yinzhi


The double Ninth Day of Laurel


The Double Ninth season osmanthus blossom, full of incense into the eyes。

Tender tender tender wind far, numerous branches make shadow rhyme new cut。

Ascend elegant guest every autumn Yue, range Sheng Youren drunken wandering。

Mo negative Fang Xinjing place, and will flower qi qin heart。


Li Weiping


Today is the Double Ninth Festival







Yao Donglin




Chrysanthemum pomelo fragrant yellow and double Yang, retirement Xi Fenghuatang。Dance song phoenix song heroic, poetry and music around the Yuanjiang River。

Wear simple, face light, wine unforgettable revival strong。Junwei rocket through the sea, talent climbing peak fighting spirit。


Mo Houcheng





春秋冬厦,时而小酒。尽兴时,歪诗几首。自乐斜阳,淡名利,无求无取。Who he is?The old man Weng。


He Daxiao


Express one's feelings on the Double Ninth Festival


The breeze green willow chrysanthemum fragrance, Yulu cold frost leaves are yellow。

The calf is strong before the hill grass slope, and the rice Liangxiang under the ridge of the village field。

The sky is wide and the sky is wide。

Tanggui containing xin Huai at night, the east hedge drunk double ninth day。


Yang Guangrong


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Make section three three colorful bin, Fang Chen ninety-nine chrysanthemum new。

Years of high festival, autumn old also add not old spring。


He Yongzhang


The Double Ninth Festival



If there is any wealth between the advent, the people are safe Cathay Pacific enjoy good health。




Chongyang Question





Guo Zuocai













Double nine double Yang cinnamon, colleagues gathered music without central。See a warm smile exhibition, talk about the ancient talk about this lofty。

听祝福,话衷肠。三杯小酒泛红光。Play the residual heat physical and mental health, longevity to the full hall of happiness。


Qian Jianming


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Age is too late for any dreariness, mirror to pale hair hair cream。

Autumn to spring to refer to the dream, life wine words Ankang。




Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival


Maple red chrysanthemum can cinnamon thick, celebrating the Double ninth flourishing world。

Don't sing and dance when the sun goes down。

Shen Zhigang




Double ninth auspicious wine on the table, has not yet opened the altar has smelled incense。

Drink three rounds of clouds, not to reduce the year crazy。


Xiao Zhuyun


Drizzle moistens the Double Ninth Festival


Usher in drizzle run Chongyang, fields return God rice fragrance。

Osmanthus blossom singing dream song, seedling garden with sheng spring。

With the transmission of Wan Qing black tea full, joy thousand hills jade makeup。

Look at the harvest to increase elegant interest, the peak drunk song Yang。


Li Junde


The Double Ninth Festival



Ling red forest fan eyeshadow, before the court Jin GUI qin spleen fragrance。

The bottom of the zheng string finger is still casual, and the hair between the temples is not resistant to frost。

Insert the dogwood gentleman about, say happy drunk double ninth。


Zhang Xueying


Linjiang Xian · Double Ninth Festival感吟


The ninth day of the Ninth Lunar Month吟几曲,征鸿掠阵悠悠。Meet today to reward the autumn。寒霜云鬓染,内外兼修。

切记人生康乐句,峥嵘岁月犹酬。The water does not turn back。登高欣望远,剪却晚晴忧。


Yang Xiaoping


Friends of the Double Ninth Festival


Chongyang early Xu Yingxiasheng, good friend Wuling today and meet。

Look at each other with fright shushi old eyes, laugh and embrace a total sigh decline weng。




Liu Lihua


Picking mulberry seeds · Double Ninth Festival感吟


Precourt autumnGolden light flash, seemingly leisurely, proud resistance to frost cold, rich and poor are optimistic,

Life is short like flowers and plants, in the twinkling of an eye, do not feel sad, bitter, sour and sweet through。


Yuan Qingqing


Double Yang thinking of mother


Double ninth see chrysanthemum yellow, boarded the balcony overlooking the distance。

The sound of the wild geese passing through the cold sky weakens, the shadow of the high mountains lengthens,

It is difficult to dream in the dead of night, the moon star Ming wants to mother。

Only hope return period should be day, before the hall filial piety to deliver tea。




The Double Ninth Day of the year


When purple gas rises to the east, chrysanthemum ya Lian feng Dayan Xiang。


Family and friends meet happily, gathering to talk about friendship long。

May the sunset be infinitely good and enjoy health。


Jin Liwei


Double Ninth Festival with parents







Zhu Mingyan


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Fragrant autumn color on the hills, maple leaf flow Dan shimmering light。

Take the wine to say the heart is happy, climb the lens frame。




Zhang Mengying


The Double Ninth Festival


Golden autumn to the top of the cloud peak, leaning on the crisis alone,

Cinnamon is hard to find this year, bamboo Cui is still left。

Childhood chasing flowers, old friends happy chrysanthemum garden Tong。

Valley cry empty response, quiet lonely read close thick。




Chongyang Lizhou visit friends


Lishui long reed shadow yellow, Chengtou mountain valley also incense。

Chrysanthemum burning maple red goose sound cut, if the old man's heart hidden。


Liu Shanbao




Destined to ascend the Sun Mountain, autumn water blue sky floating color ring。

Willow leaves Cheng lake fundus, Wuling old county for a new face。


Zhao Yalan






Liao Aimin


Enjoy the autumn on the Double Ninth Day






Li Jiping


Nine days climbing sense sing






Gu Kong 'an


Feeling of the double ninth Festival


Repeat the old song little Hua Zhang, September autumn wind sent geese。

South garden east hedge is still green, why chrysanthemum GUI show fragrance。


Tan Zhiqiang


Double Ninth Day wine making poetry


Rebrew the Double Ninth wine in autumn, and drink the old rhyme of Dongli。

Two eyes dim view leaves fall, three points drunk call flowers。

In the garden, cherish the spring Fang, to the mirror acts of the sunset light。

But happy more than poetry friends, chant to enjoy the excellent zai。


Li Keming


Today is the Double Ninth day


Today 99 and Chongyang, the water side of the Reeds unloading green makeup。

Laurel floating gold sprinkle ground, mountain maple dew red shop gang。

A river of thin west lake, half of the sky geese shadow long。



Zhao Zhifu




The old woman happily gathered together to ask about the warmth of the double ninth。

Last year, Huarui red still, did not see Brother Liu and Lao Zhang。


Chen Meihua




Frost dyed maple apricot leaves yellow, chrysanthemum rain spit fragrance。The mountains are warm, and the wine poetry is cool。

Starry night, moonlight, a bowl of cinnamon tea to the cold window。Pavilion alone lean on human thin, qu end string sent home。




Remember the double ninth coming home


Double ninth Festival to return home, and see parents happy ocean。


Youth promotes people to grow old, and filial piety never forgets。

May the pale face all health life, often open smile mouth blessing boundless。


Zhang Liangzheng


Chrysanthemum moon is singing


He asked where he was and answered that he was really busy recently。

High-speed rail aircraft take turns to explore the ancient scenery。


Peng Zhultao


"Love late" senior school Mandarin class feel


Old woman gather Mingtang, vowel Pinyin qi song long。

If there is no hair, like a school boy Lang。


Zhou Xianfeng




秋已老,旧事最难忘。A leaf flying scared eight buckets, half a pot of tea hot liver intestines。Constant memory is home。




Li Jingming


Double Yang ascends Yueyang Tower


The world Dongting autumn air misty, dangerous buildings I from the eye view of clouds and smoke。

East flow as if Tao Zhu dream, wave shadow faintly Wen Zhengfan。

The sound of the wild goose array thought of the journey, Xiongwen experience sense of sages。

Poor pass when read home state, sorrow and joy is nothing more than a square inch。


Yuan Ruilin


江城子·Double ninth climb high


携壶邀友赏秋光。着新装,沐朝阳。秋色斑斓,枫叶染红黄。Perry wore a dogwood cap to add elegance and send health。

南飞大雁列成行。Across the cold river, feel cang cool。敬老尊贤,传统岂能忘。Bamboo cane straw shoes through the ridge, view the scenery, Fu Hua chapter。


Bear salute Soldier


Look far away and sing


The double Yang message Xie Liuguang, autumn to winter to measure the Angle。


Touch the heart shallow singing truth, high moral Yang。

Little wine in the pot Qiankun poetry, in the cup sun and moon worship you taste。


Zhang Changming


The Chongyang Expedition to Huai


Jia Chen double ninth arrival, the distant forest color dye branches。

Jurui contains fragrance increase elegant interest, osmanthus wine spectrum new words。

Body in the top position of love, miss the old man looks crazy。

Prosperous sunset infinitely good, singing Huaxia fu Qing poetry。


Hou Zhongming


Xing Xing Old People's Day


Autumn leaves know the long blue water, sunset glow like fire elm mulberry。

Diligent ploughing wind and rain life road, all over the appreciation of the mountains chrysanthemum brilliant frost。

The years add pleasure in a hurry, the journey is long。

Tree-lined road to climb the Jinding, Yunfeng Wanren walking amount。

Jiang Tae-jae


Double ninth climb high


Just listen to sad hong sad nine, and crazy maple with red floating。

I know also in the autumn wind, lazy smile peak Xun me high。




咏 重 阳


Element Xi Chunhua sheng all things, often worry about autumn letter passing time。



Xiao Jielian


Double ninth climb high







Zhan Guoan


Enjoy the double Ninth Festival







Wang Xiaomao


咏 重 阳


Golden wind to send Shuang Chongyang, chrysanthemum rhyme maple love Yingbi cang。

Wild geese over cold clouds sound far away, frost coagulation thin willow leaves early yellow。

Overlooking the height of the heart wide, the wine is long。

Time is not old, dogwood everywhere read health。


Liu Yuyin


The Double Ninth Festival


Life is easy to old and what harm, smile on the new add temples cream。

Pick pieces of red maple melt chrysanthemum wine, poetry on the cup Fu Chongyang。


Liu Mingan




Several degrees of autumn wind wine cinnamon, clouds and geese speak south Xiang。

Infatuated maple leaf red love old, drunk chrysanthemum golden glow sunset。


Kim Paulin







Li Fuzhang




The autumn water ying ying grass yellow, the gold wind to send Shuang Chongyang。All over the mountain maple leaf layer forest dye, along the street rock cinnamon。

Find elegant interest, enjoy the autumn light, red song symphony played Hua Zhang, poem title twenty-nine long rhyme, dream Chinese Wandai Chang。


Qu Meichu


Double Yang thinks of friends





Gu Aiqing


The Double Ninth Festival


Rusting autumn wind increasingly cool, through the frost containing dew chrysanthemum yellow。

Sad how many dead, looking far and high everywhere。


Zeng Jingwen


College for the elderly feels good


When he was a child, he walked and read bare feet, cold and summer rain and sunshine attacked the desk。

Thirty years of age, luxury car smart driving returned to the school。


Liu Baolin


Double Yang feeling Fu


The autumn wind often adds cold, the grass luxuriant gradually turns yellow。

Hongyan south move sound sobbing blood, Guanshan north overlook congealing frost。

Yuqin Pengbai to welcome the cold, more love Jin Ying broadcast fragrance。

On the wood will be what to fear, the old and enjoy the double Yang。


Liu Taocai


Double Ninth Day visit peach blossom land


Qingfeng green water white cloud home, tread path to find quiet sweat wet yarn。

Monuments mountain light sun and moon, the name of the united fly ink walk dragon snake。

Clear spring drunk heart language, mangrove dream flower。

Ascendant high pavilion, happy in wonderland praise China。


Li Hengzhen


Zhetridge day · Double Ninth Day有吟


Thousand-foot locust flower cloud brocade, maple forest layer dye chrysanthemum early yellow。Harvest is natural joy, official shame no real is long。



Yang Huashu
















Xu Wanli


重 阳 夜







Liu Pingfu


The Double Ninth Festival


Jinfeng Yulu and double Yang, frost core hanging branches are fragrant。

Time is in a hurry, not old, elm everywhere love long。

Help two nine climb high and far, wear dogwood step shun Xiang。



Liu Yunzheng




The double Yang Wangyuan De people come, the beauty of the West Lake smile open。

The paradise is like Shanghai, and the sightseeing is like Sendai。


Liu Changming


Bodhisattva brute Double ninth


Life twilight what worry old, body Shutong face good body and mind。岁月又重阳,人和国运昌。


Yang Handing


Chongyang Yin


The water on the edge of the mountain reflects the maple, the laurel ruifeng fragrance green onion。

Mo Sangyu frost dyed temples, sunset slanting bright red。


Jia Jingwei


Chant the Double Ninth Festival
















Wen Huipeng


The Double Ninth Festival has a feeling


A flower re-opened another branch, drooping like a young fool。

Where is the laurel hidden in the mountains, when the forest is dyed with shame。


Cheng Mingzhang


A Chen Chongyang sentence


The autumn sky is high, walking alone to the river。

The river is full of color, the breeze is blowing, and the willows are flying。

Ten thousand wood frost days maple roariness, Qianshan Fengling leaves grey yellow。

The four seasons of life are more joyful, more self-strengthening!


Li Wending




Willow green maple red reflecting blue sky, step on the top of the mountain, looking at the top of the mountain。Roadside river Ziwei Yan, osmanthus fresh, golden chrysanthemum fresh。[Front cavity] in the district and song with orchestra, respect the old heart full, praise the old heart full。Maotai wine respect the sages, the product is also passed on, the virtue is also passed on。






What in a hurry, and Chongyang, with a high look, full of mountains, chrysanthemum golden, mountain villages beautiful Kang Zhuang, beautiful heart comfortable。


Li Xiongfei


Double ninth Festival feeling







Jia Aosong




The sun shines brightly in the city and countryside, and the osmanthus flowers are fragrant everywhere。


Ma Qiugui


The Double Ninth Festival


The late autumn season Mu setting sun, rice harvest joy Yang。

Today's happy Sang-ulmus on the occasion of prosperity, raise your glass to drink and talk home。


Chen Shengyou


A day in the sun and a day in the sun


Every 99 years old and Chongyang, maple leaf flow Dan with beautiful makeup。

Orange green pear yellow mountain color dye, fish fat fruit, rice fragrance。

Strong feelings continuously think of relatives and friends, thoughts leisurely read father mulberry。

National Day Chongyang with congratulations, Ankang late soak up glory。


Tan Zhongrong


Climb a mountain on the double Ninth day







He Jin 'an




Happy festival happy heart leisurely, invite friends mountaineering for wild tour。



Tang Guobao


The old man accompanies his mother on Festival Day


Frost cold dew cold Chongyang, old mother sick bed。

Tang medicine gallantly even service, only hemerocallis early ningkang。


Guo Lipu


Heavy Yang rain


The weather cycles with dry tides。The rice ears in the fields are half scorched。

Shenzhou Qiao bu Ganlin rain, moistening grass seedling green Shao。


Liu Jiakun


The Double Ninth Festival is very interesting


White clouds curl up to send good luck, the ninth day of reading hometown。

Parents and relatives rarely meet each other, climb high to see where the distant。


Nationwide east




During the festival, we return to our hometown and worship our brothers and sisters。

Around a table people say Xi, even drink three cup guest long。

Health why worry about white hair, heart male refused to bear time。

Now smile and spirit huan, two old dragon years of Zhengqi ang。


Gong Jialin











山峦叶蔚,喜Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival。对景叫人腾喜悦,坐看桂花繁缀。



Guo Zhaofei




Good autumn scenery。wilderness。连天衰草菊花黄。塘水粼粼枫叶艳,又至重阳。

A wanderer misses his hometown。unforgettable。Looking at Sanxiang from the top of a high mountain。寸寸柔肠千滴泪,几度神伤。


Long Pifu


Chant of the double Yang


White-haired old age ah, time flies after grinding。

Move forward to temper Sang Yujing, happy heart, happy through。


Zhou Songjun


Today is the Double Ninth Festival


The autumn air is cool and Chongyang, Shengshi farmhouse wine fragrance。

All wild chrysanthemums floating miles, cold window to study good time。




Chant slave Jiao · Chant the Double Ninth Festival


Double Yang dew cold, see chrysanthemum yellow garnet red, clear light such as diarrhea。野旷风柔天宇阔,曳杖何人骑马?Who put the wind, love landscape, singing autumn empty。飞鸿鸣鹤,舞翩翩作图画。

且任心意相将,传杯把盏。Send to read under the east window。岁月匆匆当怎样,老去犹须儒雅。What year is this?繁荣昌盛,同庆花盈把。洞天灵地,清嘉皆可游冶。


Hu Hongjiang


蝶恋花·Double ninth Festival feeling


Good day to seek Fang Dengling peaks。杨柳如烟,遍野黄花爽。Lotus leaves are thin and green。The clear stream turned to the sound of the waves。


Liu Boxiang


Climb high to send the Double Ninth Festival


Mount Jiashan Ming far eyes, every happy heart。

Wind oblique leaves fall long forest, the sun spit light teng temple building。

Round trip boat singing over the waves, Jiang Hu geese set singing high autumn。

Hometown rice barn full, double ninth poets music。


Shi Minghua


The Double Ninth Day is in the mail


Old to shame look at young eyes, only let the wind inside the dream。

Good prefer to see chrysanthemum at leisure, clear tour do not send drunk boarding。

Is thinking about the old rain Double ninth Festival, new poetry September autumn。

How can I avoid greed and anger, gray Yan white hair not to break。


Wanshi's poem




Double ninth climbing aqueduct, heavy line to the autumn tide。

Six hundred thousand migrant workers, iron arms swinging a hundred million times。

Sweat and mud push buds, spiritualize rain and protect spring seedlings。

I pray that the new cultivator will not forget the original blood。


LAN Zegui


Jia Chen Double Ninth Festival is Fu


Again to Chongyang to remember the old man, home had to be with the mountain。

Sky high hope off south flying geese, far thought deep dream of kiss。

Cinnamon fragrance heart to be drunk, chrysanthemum spit beautiful products still true。

The rest of my life is lucky to be happy, good dance can sing Yongsheng spring。


Hu Chunying




Sky geese called and Chongyang, looking at the reed gradually dyed frost。

Understanding style is always chrysanthemum, every year this season to send fragrance。


Wu Rongrong


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Flying geese return to the south maple dye frost, dogwood is inserted and Chongyang

The cool breeze on the high ling, the Yulu cool before the moon court。

Diffuse the new poetry book, with good friends words。

Why temples white face old, and appreciate flowers and yellow festival fragrance。


Han Youjun


Linjiang Xian · Chongyang Yin



拟把桂香抛故里,茱萸偷插添妆。My hair is as white as frost。那堪年少事,莫忆旧时光。


Wang Xuezhen







Zheng Yuling


The Double Ninth Festival is sung


Nine days climbing to look at Ming, three autumnal yuanyuanyuchuan qing。

Frost forest half-dyed flower stream near, wild chrysanthemum still hold bamboo path cross。


Life is no longer like idle dream, into the rhyme red maple to the evening sunshine。




The Double Ninth Day misses your relatives







Zou Hongbing


A surname







Tang Yanzhen









Oh Jin-young


Repeat the song of Yang


Frost dyed maple red golden chrysanthemum yellow, happy 99th and Chongyang。

A pool of wild water reeds dance, thousands of miles of farmland rice fragrance。

Splash-ink poetry, lofty look far dream long。

No will shake up the bleak, autumn looks like a gallery。


Lee Ju-young


Double Yang climb Huanggu Mountain







Yang Yamei


Double ninth Festival feeling


Sunrise east Xiao tree flowers, double sun wheat wave dance Fanghua。

Climb the mountain wild dogwood fruit, look at the fence chrysanthemum bud。


With the wind hand step front leaf, pale hair bright eyes sitting sunset glow。

Kim Cho Pyong


Double ninth Festival feeling


Chrysanthemums falling yellow everywhere, the city fireworks celebrate the Double ninth Day。

Lofty Huai far fu Yin xing, on the view of nostalgia。

Swan geese sing in the sky, cloud xia mountain path shadow hidden。

I say the autumn day is better than spring also, Mo Tao elm light at night。


Zhou Xiaoyan


The golden wind warms and gathers the double Ninth Sun


The golden wind sends cool and Chongyang, unit care together。

The fragrance of osmanthus chrysanthemums adds Yaxing, and the food and wine are pleasant to the heart。

Past years with light dust far, today meet happy ocean。

Years are as old as songs, and laughter is forever fragrant。


Qian Xuzhi


Qinyuan Spring · Double Ninth Festival


节序重阳,独自凭栏,瑟瑟江天。Look at the sky as a wash, clear clouds light;Green mountains do not ink, layer peaks flow smoke。Cinnamon floating fragrance, yellow flower spit, wild goose array emptying far pu cold。登高处,对清风斜日,山远云残。

Wind independent mountain, send countless worries between a dream。Nai youth no longer, embarrassing travel;The high hall is still in, can you travel idle?A wisp of acacia, a little melancholy, how to youhuai Fu Jin。放望眼,叹渔沉雁杳,云路千盘。


CAI Yeguang




霞映蓝天云彩飘。清风送爽,碧水扬涛。Geese fly magpie warble drunken good day, enjoy the double sun, old man phase。

All things fold in autumn。古柏苍翠,百卉妖娆。Mountains beautiful most pleasant, Mo worry Sangyu, sunset is still high。


Xi Chengming


The Double Ninth Festival


The ninth day of the ninth day of the yellow, the breeze bursts of chrysanthemum fragrance。

It is difficult to say drunk, on the scene of nostalgia easy sentimental。

Passenger road sigh years, life gather and scatter products Yan Liang。

Try to give good sentences to friends and relatives, the country is prosperous and the people are auspicious。


Zhang Wenbiao


Enjoy the chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Day


天与秋光是菊黄,重阳节至Wish good health。

Into the pot also into the cup of wine, who is afraid of the mountain high wind cold!


Li Linsen


Climb a mountain on the double Ninth day



Red maple and golden chrysanthemum weathered frost and rain, eyes very high fine taste。


Zhong Guangyu


The Double Ninth Festival


Double ninth scenery brew strong fragrance, rice ripe orange red is into the warehouse。

Chasing dreams young people leave their homeland, grateful machine to help the farm。

Sad autumn Yuxi dust up, Huaiyuan Wang Wei love long。



He Guowu


Chongyang Festival


Autumn 99 Mu Xiaguang, everywhere chrysanthemum condensation fragrance。

Reed white rice yellow Huan wild, maple red Liang purple drunk mountain country。

The breeze caresses the clouds, the drizzle falls and the seeds are hidden。

Lin Hai pine Tao pine pen, human writing chapter of beauty。


Zheng Xuejin


A surname



Every autumn add life color, respect the old auspicious year after year。

Climb far according to the afterglow can, look back on the flow of xia evening Jichang。

Don't sigh Yan looking for the past, and view Shengshi words this Chang。






Chongyang once a year, magnificent rivers and mountains feel God。

Play the piano to the moon, the wind to hide the wine。

It is difficult for the yellow flowers to bloom, and the red leaves are long。

Wild geese fly south to their hometown, along with the previous round trip home。


Lu Bingsi




Every year Chongyang Datong, Guanshan can not stop water Changdong。

Golden wind to send cool autumn light is good, chrysanthemum wine fragrance thought strong。

Ren Jiamei


Double ninth ascent


Chongyang enticed me to step on the pale moss, step by step toward the Qingshi moat。

Deep hollow smell of dogs barking, the mountains gaunt dyeing pavilions。

Before the leaves know the autumn color, the wind on the bottom of the feet is not dirty。

To the top of the original view, want to listen to water rhyme and so on spring。


Zeng Qingzhong


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings



Time flies for a hundred years, my mind is full of dreams。

Look at life has wind and rain, exposure to the world road to know the vicissitudes of life。

Song release hate thousands of que, cloud roll cloud shu number flying geese。


Li Zexi




Old sad autumn less wine, and every "double nine" Xingyi long。Cold moon Yulu east hedge late, who a gallant provoke old crazy?

蓝拥紫,菊簪黄。登高落帽頌重陽。This year, the transverse flute blowing rain, the total 覚 human feelings like hometown。

Zhou Cuibo







Xie Haoman


The Double Ninth Festival


Chongyang and chrysanthemum fragrant you, the state of things gradually break autumn everywhere。


Jackdaws around the tree sound sad, old father add clothing shadow thin worry。

Years of callous urge guest old, fading sun meaning difficult to accept。


Wang Lizhi


Qinyuan Spring · Double Ninth Festival澧州


澧水悠悠,The ninth day of the Ninth Lunar Month,金风送凉。Look Lishu land, picturesque mountains and rivers, Mid-Autumn Festival National Day, beaming。Qu Zi legacy, Fan Gong elegant rhyme, poem Fu left a name after Lang。思千古,看人才辈出,闪耀光芒。

Autumn maple do dye slanting sun, lead countless heroic heart hidden。I recall my ambition, youth, today's heroic, high spirits。Years like a song, life like a dream, and carefully measure the dogwood。登高处,赏秋光旖旎,共话沧桑。


Xiang Jijun


Nine-day ascent


See the row of clouds and autumn geese return, looking far Qinghui。

Overlooking the river pavilion, the wind blows the hat, and the dust dyes the clothes in the feast。

New moon a hook flow tree old, old man thousands of miles melancholy。

Such as the river Li river east flow, Tao send out the boat。


Ren Zejiu


Express one's feelings on the Double Ninth Festival


Time flies to the Double Ninth Festival。

The wild geese fly south through the retrograde journey, the sunset sighs streamer。

Cloud Shuyun vol ying sky view, flowers fall flowers open everywhere fragrance。



Ren Zeyuan


Express one's feelings on the Double Ninth Festival


Climb the peak overlooking and Chongyang, all over the ground fluttering chrysanthemum cinnamon。

Swan geese goofy show, dragon jump sea wave Yang。

Happy holiday spirit is good, enjoy the autumn light and longevity。

Education should be cultivated in youth, but it can be continued in old age。


Ding Shixian


The Double Ninth Festival


The dogwood is beautiful, and the sun is shining。

Refreshed poetry chant, eyes long heart shu Qufu biography。


Green mountains do not change the love is still, green water long flow meaning stronger。


Tian Tingxun


Double ninth Festival feeling



Three spring things are not too late, September title is not limited to late。

The double ninth Festival adds happiness, life is risky, you know。



Yan Shuhua


The Double Ninth Festival







The ninth day of the Ninth Lunar Month


Poetic red maple draped in colorful clouds, dyed frost everywhere yellow flowers。

East fence and friends sing wind moon, north house to taste tea。

Nine days climb and gaze far, day clear meaning cool eat melon。

Cold Ying bright autumn good, reed flying down puddles。


Ma Chuanquan


Happy Double Ninth Festival


Such as shuttle years and double Yang, hot summer smoke dissipates autumn to cool。

Happy peace gongs and drums ring, welcome the festival osmanthus fragrance。

Mountains and rivers magnificent words thousand, the state of health poem thousand lines。

Singing praises the earth, Kyushu clear country Chang。

Wang Zuotai


Double ninth Festival feeling


Today is the Double Ninth Festival日,推窗望远晴。












Zhang Xianquan


The first day is the second day


Dew first condensation cooling day by day, boundless beauty throughout the city and countryside。

Maple burning north ridge Qiankun red, Guangxi put south slope incense day and night。

Step Xin view hedge chrysanthemum Yan, shu eyes distant Wang sai Hong Xiang。

Collect the heart meaning to find happiness, good while the autumn high spectrum Jin Zhang。


Yang Xianrong


Double ninth Day love


Golden cinnamon fragrance long autumn rhyme, double Yang has passed what harm。

Wind Shuyun shadow thousand pose change, chrysanthemum blooms maple forest million colors。

Climbing mountains distant view of the heart pleasant, into the forest to find meaning melodious。

Time like arrows still, and send the frost silk to the evening sun。



Meet the double ninth Festival


Tao River pottery Juying autumn light, colleagues meet again to remember the old chapter。

Years do not live in the frost dyed temples, golden bottles lift drunk slanting sun。


Liu Zonglin







Wang Zhaoxiong


Chant the double Yang


Always love the sunset at dusk, autumn high nine wins the spring。

The rest of my life is eighty Nanshan Shou, rejuvenating and sweet。


Xie Yongzhi


Jiangchengzi · Double Ninth Festival


An autumn water moist aromatic cluster, rice cotton abundance, fruit Linglong, 99 double ninth day, stroll in the gallery, ink Danqing ecological beauty, swim for a long time, friends meet。

Climb far to look at the sky, the peak, to find a trace, over the eyes, look up to see Feihong, late leisure poetic swell, layers of forest dye, sunset red。


Fu Zuwei


Chant the Double Ninth Festival


Autumn in October and Chongyang, flourishing hometown beautiful long。

Chrysanthemum bright maple red add color, grain rich fruit overflowing fragrance。

A good day in a good mood, green mountains meteorological Chang。

Social civilization with respect to the old, thin age old man happy Ankang。









Zheng Jiashu


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


Crane hair frequency add far sadness, climbing landscape Jingxing flying。

Like to see maple forest dye, admire Saihong Xiaohanxiang。


Mulberry elm road heroic little, the old steed is still passionate!


Zhang Xingrong




金秋大地谷盈仓,阵阵花香。Singing and laughing over the Double Ninth Festival。烟波荡,魚跃闹池塘。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Bright bright sun steaming on, see Sanxiang ink scenery。All industries prosper, and urban and rural areas prosper。神怡心旷,古树也芬芳。


Pei Zeqiu




The green maple leaf on the ridge is turning red, and the Yang spring is still cloth mountain。Long sunny purple Momo dust full, the first bloom of yellow flowers smell strong。

Sell rice wine, bridge east, childhood friends happy to meet。Leisurely fine view of numerous frost color, open the wheatgrass peng。


Yu Dianxi




Time to Chongyang, thoughts such as tide, Qi rushed night。Huai man before the male expedition road。

Climb the long chant day difficult old, heroic heroes, bloody fierce, battlefield yellow flowers never wither。


Peng Xiaying


It's the Double Ninth Day


Chrysanthemum open October dark fragrance, cloud light sky high sky。

Sunset Xiaying ridge, pines still smile autumn wind。


Peng Dechu


Double ninth Festival feeling


Cold to the department to Chongyang, with friends to climb on the wild。

Bamboo shadow dancing he rice ripe, maple branches swaying chrysanthemum yellow。

Love to attack the law to express ambition, remember the old stick write jin Zhang。



Jiang Qunfang


Double ninth Festival feeling


Section of cold dew chrysanthemum ying fragrance, step on the Fushan far side。

Wild geese array across the sky autumn rhyme wonderful, maple forest dyed red cloud long。

Respect the old man benevolence wind thick, enjoy the scenery Yin Huai Ya xing Zhang。

Don't sigh when you are old and your hair is white, and your ambitions are set to the sun。


Yang Dacheng


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】The first day is the second day吟


Autumn send cool, and to Chongyang, Jiachen climate is unusual。菊花未黄,桂花迟放清香盎。Wanshan red leaves rippling with the wind, a row of new geese flying south。The sunset glow was radiant。


Li Wenxing


Double ninth ascent


Double ninth autumn cool, climb the peak head of the universe wide。


The countryside is beautiful, and the town is beautiful。

High standing sound of nature around, Sangyu is not late to do more than happy。


Li Guoxi


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


秋意凉,菊初黄,糕酒香。Ninety-nine climb high thinking long。The clouds are far away。叹岁月又重阳,梦魂牵吾故乡。


Zhang Fengying


Chongyang Yin


Frost forest to dye and Chongyang, geese over cold empty words a few lines。

The yellow Ju hedge is full of autumn color, and the Danfeng is full of clouds。

Climb the height to think of relatives and friends, the wine crooning memories of hometown。

Time in a hurry is not old, lingering light a touch of rhyme long。


Gong Deqing


Chongyang wine


Hold up the golden bottle as appropriate wine, drink with the Double ninth harvest。

The mood is refreshing a thousand cups less, drunk to September autumn。


Hu Lianghan


The Double Ninth Festival


The world back and forth thirty thousand days, time a flash step。


Keep the health eventually benefit, leveling the mentality never bother。

The double Yang Jinqu ensemble, the sound of Weng woman Huan。


Liu Miaorong


长相思·The first day is the second day


Chrysanthemum is not sweet, cinnamon is not sweet, the weather is too abnormal this year。The dragon God locks the rain warehouse。

Memory of Chongyang, now Chongyang, looking forward to the day of public generous, rain moved this box。


Wende Yeung


Zhetridge day · Double Ninth Day节登高感吟


The double Sun is coming again, and the golden wind sends cool drunk mountains。The maple is like a fire burning autumn, and the yellow juju is like a star shining in the heart。

Climbing mountains, looking distant cen, Sangyu not late music singing。The sunset is brilliant and the wine is poured。


Du Guangqian


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】Double ninth ascent


Climbing chrysanthemum with dew ying, wild geese to long autumn frets, small pot can also sing wind。岭头翁,夕照明。江山履处是躬耕。


Zhou Yulian


Zhegu day words double ninth day


Dew dyed red maple grass change of outfit, farmer rice millet has been filled warehouse。Always increase fortune auspicious light, ninety-nine add wealth and happiness。

Voyeuristic chrysanthemum, words Chongyang, every family respect the old meaning long。Lofty look far ambition strong, until late autumn no sentimental。


Tang Xianhua


Chongyang Festival


The Double Ninth sun, spring, summer, autumn and winter go and return。

I hope to return to the young day, chrysanthemum wine forever happy。




Double ninth Festival feeling Fu


Double ninth climbing thoughts fly, the golden wind to send Shuang GUI floating fang;

Quiet thinking to things are still, smile on the red world has flown。

Early mu Chaoxia strong physique, twilight view sunset light time。

Hui wind and Chang heart difficult to old, pine crane age together。


Xu Jinru





七十农叟身轻健,把酒贺悠然。心存初志,弘彰卅载,革旧逐先。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Invite three friends, recite poetry, and rhyme along, Wen xin envy。坦怀清旷,世事诚虔。


Zhou Dingzhong


A Chen double nine song


Golden cinnamon floating chrysanthemum spit fang, the autumn wind to send cool and Chongyang。

Mo Yan makes people old, and the afterglow is also fragrant。


Jian Zerong


The Double Ninth Festival is very interesting


See the double ninth chrysanthemum yellow, flowers twice spit fragrance。

Life is rare hundred years old, treasure today's river。


Ye Faxiang


忆江南·Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival


Chongyang good, old people enjoy the year, Guotai people an rich life, family and the United States month reunion, love descendants。


Zhang Pisen


The Double Ninth Festival


The Double ninth Festival in the dusk, the wind as autumn twilight。

The stream gurgled and the moonlight shone。

Acacia always after parting, nostalgia is due to deep attachment。

Rural countryside floating fundus, infatuated love is the heart of the countryside。

Hu Minghe


The double ninth ascent is sung


Jia Chen 99 and double Yang, wild yellow flowers are fragrant。



Dong Sihao




Plain words Chongyang in previous years, this morning is very hurt for no reason。

Wechat someone sincere congratulates festival, can flow mirror hair silk cream。


Xiong Xianmei


Zhetridge day · Double Ninth Day感怀


Chongyang is different every year, every year the old calendar face。Wild geese flying thousands of miles of heart, the month to reincarnation more intense feelings。

Branches and leaves fall, ridge maple red。Filial piety is the first respect。安居颐养新风尚,乐业文明品德崇。






The ninth Double Ninth Festival is coming again, and the yellow flowers are beautiful countryside。The sun is setting in the west, and the moon is rising in the night。

With parents, with children and grandchildren。The laughter is so warm。闲来乐饮三樽酒,觅得佳词把韵吟。


Wu Binchu


Zhetridge day · Double Ninth Day寄怀


Tanggui flow fragrant chrysanthemum rui yellow, the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chongyang。Dew condensation maple leaf poem thousand trees, geese point Qiongtian rhyme a few lines。

Peak, high spirited, so friends old friends say vicissitudes of life。Such as song years mountains and rivers show, patches of Yunxia ying late Fang。


Tan Zhengguang


Celebration and double festival



The rule follows to welcome change, life has music Fu Hua chapter。


Chen Henglin


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings


East running north rushing rain wind busy, experienced the vicissitudes of hair dye cream。

Tears read relatives sad thousands of miles, mixed five degrees Chongyang。


Wang Changde


The first day is the second day会诗友


Garden cinnamon yellow, nine days to send fragrance branches。

Old friends cup pour sincere wine, talk about poetry Fu drunk sunset。


Chen Dangru


The Double Ninth Festival is sung


Gold wind to send cool and double Yang, string moon silver Hui road cool。

Splash-ink swing book elegant rhyme, high cite sing poetry crazy。


Tang Shengbiao


Chongyang Yin


A mountain of maple leaves, full of sweet clover flowers to send fragrance。

Old heart poetic trouble, human joy and Chongyang。


Deng Jilin


The Double Ninth Day is remembered


Autumn October and Chongyang, silver hair octogenarian melt lobby。

Remember how many things, life struggle to do glory。


He Zixin





Li Chengwu




双阳节爽飞霞,涌云花树仙葩。The sun is beautiful and the wind is high。红黄参罢,纵怀神彩丹砂。

栗黄银杏归鸦,丹枫重染霜华。Drunk mountain flowers flying。含毫漫画,泛觞诗曲幽遐。




Linjiang Xian · Double Ninth Festival





Fu Yitian


Walking on sand · Double Ninth Day


日丽楼台,气清天宇。The autumn light is with me。Help Qiongyang view green embankment, leisurely Lishui long flow。

North wild goose book, west wind message, flower wetland fragrance so。Singing and singing, the land is full of peach。

Zhang Wanjun


Line incense · Double ninth


绚烂霞光,异彩华章。The scent of osmanthus wafts from the bamboo hedge。推窗赏景,满目琳琅。望枫霜红,芦霜白,菊霜黄。



Liu Chengjun


The Double Yang Chant chrysanthemums


Lotus residual plum grass withered yellow, autumn chrysanthemum still fight dark frost。

Green leaf Danxin hide proud, show Qiannying account for autumn light。

Drizzling branches especially quite, rustling west wind core more fragrant。

Do not compete with flowers beautiful, but with the cold dew overflow fragrance。


Han Young Shi


The Double Ninth day expresses one's feelings



Life is a festival, when the wine and song must be。

Hang hang clothes to play with me, chrysanthemum fragrance put drunk crazy crazy。

Poor through the years of clouds and rain, and happy now beautiful days。






Town yard Chongyang warm melt, Zainyan smile endless joy。

Love to pass all over the countryside, respect the old and new wind shining red。


Jiang In-qing


Double ninth Festival view


October autumn frost tyrant one side, Liang red rice ripe orange golden。

Double ninth Festival Lidenglou overlooking, wandering children the end of the world think of home。


Zhou Guoyuan


The Double Ninth Day


Double ninth homesick hard to sleep, 20 years of dream broken sincere pull。

The spring breeze sends rain to the north of Hunan, and the flying geese contain sorrow to the south of Lingnan。

Deciduous Indus lonely shadow cold, the moonlight in the window of frost cold。

I am glad to hear the sauce gravy flow, and I would like to invite you to understand the covetous。


Wan Jinli


The Double Ninth Festival


Autumn cool and Chongyang, purple qi east around Fengxiang。

Tanggui fragrance add color, such as song years Yaohua hall。




Picking mulberry seeds · Double Ninth Festival







Poetry friend double Yang sense Fu


Cool autumn high appreciation of cinnamon, like children's New Year to double ninth。

Small poems dare to sing gold wind song, sun and moon linger back to Fu Shou Kang。


Xiong Shurong




Autumn wind a wisp through the hall, people to Chongyang feeling really。

Under the fence chrysanthemum sad rain and dew, the world old people recall youth。

Look back at the old fate, look forward to the new years。

Unable to climb must cherish, dragon clock decay for a hundred years。


Xu Zhaohua


The Double Ninth Festival


Talk about the world do not grieve, laugh at the storm clouds sweeping crazy。

An arrow patrol the world, the east wind to send cool from cool。


Zhuji township


The Double Ninth Festival has a problem


Wine has been fragrance chrysanthemum has been opened, happy to come to the festival。

Chant poetry Xing Xianyang twilight, Gongle Ming time does not dye Ah。


Luo diversion flood




Walking Chongyang chant fan poetry, famous aphorisms Yao Songzi。

The sound of the wind spread to Xiange, and the integrity of the long back。


Johnson Dyson


The Ninth Double Ninth Festival


I have a golden bottle, you have wine, Huangshan Mountains on the wind blowing willow。

Crazy song Chochos drink a thousand cups, drunk in his hometown on September 9。

Ding Caisheng


Jiangchengzi · Double Ninth Festival


The Double ninth Festival gradually late autumn, chrysanthemum soft, cinnamon floating。望远登高,雁字伴云游。Time in a hurry is easy to get old, love is not, the dream is difficult to receive。

The wind read wine with Chou, the month such as hook, night such as silk。一叶扁舟,共此良宵幽。Moon and share, people do not see, hate leisurely。



Linjiang Xian climb high



漫步云霄佛国,融身殿宇灵光。Life is a matter of fate。善心无叩首,劬手懒烧香。


Fu Youxi


The Double Yang sings


The setting sun is in love with the fire clouds and the falling flowers,

Distant Yuguang to greet geese, near shore tower light fishing raft。

Autumn frost chi caressing Jin Ying pillow, fetters travel meditation cinnamon tea。

Don't wait for the cornus sachet worry full storage, near the top of the horizon。






Grass withered leaves fall green lotus wither, river harbor no flow negative bridge。

Rice beans return to warehouse field, silver Lu ying solid Zhu Chau xiao。

East hedge daisies leisurely cluster, the sky to hong thousands of miles away。

If you don't have dogwood, you can't climb to the clouds。

Chen Benfu


Picking mulberry seeds · Double Ninth Festival


桑榆向晚红霞染,偏是秋凉。Lucky to meet the Double Ninth Sun。I like to see green mountains and yellow leaves。

平生只道休闲好,惟愿安康。There's nothing wrong with being old。There is poetry in the belly and light in the eyes。


Yang Hanlin


甲辰Express one's feelings on the Double Ninth Festival


In September, Quqing GUI overflowing incense, climbing up to look up to Yannanxiang。

The mountains and leaves fall one after another, and the streams and streams of flowers gradually cool。

Toward the view Dongting welcome Xu, twilight view fishing fire reflected time。

Poem feeling leisurely music, to the good human fortune and longevity。


Ding Weiren




For a long time Chongyang Songju new, meet should be hometown。

I do not know where to Tao Ling today, but the end of the world reduced people。


Hu Zhihui


Manjiang red · Climbing



Think of the past, the heart is keen。The past is hard to tell。叹流年暗换,壮心犹烈。The years will disappear Honghu ambition, wind and frost difficult to change Songjun section。待归期、再聚旧亭台,同欢悦。


Yu Changqing




日短催叶残,菡萏清香杳。Period and time Xu total long, 99 section, miss the old。

楼台红树杪,明月怜幽草。I wish double personal health, long drizzle, early return。






Words green view things chant flower yellow, small gathering east hedge wine overflowing fragrance。

Not the mountain weng drunk autumn cold, the wind blows down the hat and double sun。

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00

Wechat scan code follow

Website construction: Keyi e-commerce